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No Internet
Is there no WIFI signal?
Please kindly check your WIFI router is connected to the electricity
Is it connected to the electricity?
Please reconnect your WIFI router to the electricity
Please wait 10 minutes for WIFI router to finish setting up
You should now have WIFI signal
Is there a red light in your WIFI router?
Please press the 'reboot' button to restart your WIFI router
Please wait 10 minutes for WIFI router to finish setting up
You should now have WIFI signal
Please unplug your WIFI router from electricity and then plug it back to electricity.
Please wait 10 minutes for WIFI router to finish setting up
You should now have WIFI signal
Is there WIFI signal, but no internet?
Please check Turk Telekom link to determine if Turk Telekom has emergency repair work in "Fatih" district where the apartment is located.
Press link --> Turk Telekom Emergency Repair Website
Select from left side drop-down menu "Lutfen Il Seciniz" the city of Istanbul
Select from ride side drop-down menu "Lutfen Ilce Seciniz" the district of Fatih
Does the website show a emergency repair in Fatih district of Istanbul?
Emergency repair work normally finishes by next day 06:00
You should have internet working by then
The problem is not in the area, but specific to the DSL internet line connect to the apartment
Please check Turk Telekom link to determine if WIFI router has internet signal
Press link --> Turk Telekom Signal Check Website
Does the website show a signal?
There is a problem with the internet account.
Please contact us via text or call on WhatsApp.
We are going to contact Turk Telekom to resolve the problem.
It normally a maximum of 4 working days for Turk Telekom to fix the problem.
However, in the meantime we are going to provide you a 4.5G mobile WIFI router.
You are going to have fast internet access via 4.5g mobile signal until Turk Telekom fixes the DSL line.
Please contact us via text or call on WhatsApp.
We are going to contact Turk Telekom to resolve the problem.
It normally a maximum of 4 working days for Turk Telekom to fix the problem.
However, in the meantime we are going to provide you a 4.5G mobile WIFI router.
You are going to have fast internet access via 4.5g mobile signal until Turk Telekom fixes the DSL line.